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Strength for All: Step 1 at PPG

Strength for All is the lead-in to our flagship semi-private program and the starting point for 90% of Power Plant Gym members. Below, we’ll break down what the program is, why it exists, and how it can help you reach your strength and fitness goals.

What is the Strength for All intro program?

Strength for All (SFA) is our 4-week intro program at Power Plant. Everyone coming into our semi-private program starts with SFA.

The program starts with a 90-min 1:1 session with a PPG coach. We spend about 70 minutes going through the primary barbell movements we use in the LIFT program (back squat, bench press, and deadlift). Then we spend 20 minutes talking about nutrition info and skills, and setting goals for your first couple months.

After the initial 1:1 session you’ll hop into 4 weeks of semi-private sessions 3 days per week. Each session is capped at 6 people, so you’ll get loads of hands-on coaching and attention. You also get a program that we adjust to meet you exactly where you are.

At the end of each week we check in on your progress using our Full Health model that includes how you’re feeling overall, quality of sleep and nutrition, potential challenges, and weekly wins. We know that success is based on addressing your progress in multiple dimensions, so we check on all of them and make sure we’re headed in the right direction together.

What happens at the end of the intro period?

At the end of the intro period, we’ll sit down together to revisit the goals you set at the beginning of the program. We’ll talk about challenges that might have popped up along the way, and all the wins you’ve racked up in your first 4 weeks.

Then we’ll make a plan for moving forward, a process we’ve made as seamless as possible… you just keep coming in! 

After the 4-week intro, you graduate into the ongoing LIFT program, which is 3 days per week of semi-private training. Every 10 weeks we check in to review progress and set new goals. We do all the thinking and all the coaching. You do all the lifting. And we hit your goals together. All you have to do is keep showing up.

Who is SFA for?

Everyone! Whether you’ve been lifting for a while or are touching a barbell for the first time, this 4-week foundational program will work for you.

More specifically, SFA – and Power Plant Gym in general – works best for people who want to learn, are interested in hands-on coaching, want a more customized approach to training, and enjoy training with a small group of like-minded people. It leans heavily into the simple PPG motto: “Lift. Learn. Hang out.”

Why do we have SFA?

The SFA program is the result of over a decade of experience in onboarding clients and in participating in onboarding programs at other facilities.

We created SFA to address the primary needs and barriers of new members, namely:

  • Knowledge and Information
  • Accountability
  • Camaraderie and Support
  • Enjoyment!

The initial 1:1 session introduces you to the gym and the coaches, and lets us get to know you better. We dig into the technical side of the lifting, and get a sense of where you are now in your strength and movement. You’ll get a feel for things like the cues we use, the layout of the gym, and the flow of sessions.

This session is the most efficient and effective way to lay the groundwork for a successful entry into the semi-private program, and from there a seamless transition to the ongoing LIFT program, so the progress just keeps coming!  

This is not a 4-week challenge, and we are not in the business of running a revolving door of new clients. When you come into PPG and commit to yourself and the program, we commit fully to you!

In fact, 97% of people who finish the SFA intro program continue with LIFT, and most stay for at least 2 years.

It all starts with a solid foundation – in lifting, in our relationship, and in a shared commitment to accomplishing your goals. That’s why we have the SFA program. It works.

Ready for a program that finally works for you?

Come on in! The first step is setting up a No Sweat Intro, a free 15-min coaching call or meeting with a member of the PPG coaching team. We’ll work together to create a plan that works for you. Just click the “Free Intro” button on this page to get started


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